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Jackalinda Miles

Bio information of Jackalinda Miles.

Posted  683 Views updated 1 year ago


Jackalinda is sister of Dolly and a private detective in Metro, she had a lot of conflicts with her sister because of her lifestyle. While her sister was a pure gangster and lead a biker gang in the worse parts of town, Jackalinda patrolled the streets to make sure no one else ended up like her. The real truth behind Jackalinda patrolling around is to always have her sister in check, she would always be checking up on her and her activities to make sure nothing happens to her. Jackalinda is a very positive person that sees the best outcomes in everything, it is very hard to see her sad or bothered by a problem. Her main and only problem is her sister and the people she hangs around with, until one day where a huge shootout happened. Something happened to her sister in the shootout and her sister Dolly suddenly wanted to give back to the community instead of taking, because of Jackalinda high ranking in the force she easily managed to squeeze her sister into academy. Dolly passed with the highest honors and from there on they became inseparable patrolling the streets together, they would go together into every ally way, every bar and every point of city to uphold the law and justice for all. Jackalinda is a simple person who finds greatness in everything and she always saw it in her sister, but it was hard to get her sister to make the change because of how shut her sister was to the world. She doesn't like people who stay quite and do not express their feelings or emotions, she has a way with words and able to convince people to see the better parts of things even if there isn't any. Jackalinda also finds shy people humorous and most of the times tease them, to her it is a good way to make them open up more and most of the times it works very well. She is as brave and courageous as her sister and will go to the worse parts of Metro to save a life without thinking twice, she believes everyone deserves a little piece of heaven.... And that the badge can bring it to everyone.


Private Detective

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Harley-Davidson Road King

A stripped down FLH touring model with an updated Duo-Glide style headlamp nacelle that replaced Electra Glide Sport. 1994–1998 used the 82 cu in (1,340cc) Evolution engine power plant and older frame dimension (seat height), with fuel injection being offered as an option from 1996. The 1999–2008 used the newer Twin Cam engine and had a lower seat height. The Road Kings also came in a 'Classic' version with wire spoked wheels, a factory custom version with different leather saddlebage and a small chrome windshield and an even more customized Screamin' Eagle edition. It has a good amount of storage compartments to place additional items, such items most of the times are extra weapons, ammo and medical packs just to name a few. The Road King is not suitable for just any police officer, it is a very heavy motorcycle which once on its side it is very hard to rise up again without additional persona help. For this reason it is rare to see woman patrolling Road Kings around the city, but there are those woman who take the risk and love riding in the open air. As a motorcycle it holds the great high end acceleration of one and it can travel up to 170 miles per hour on a long straight, despite its large size it is also very good when it comes to cornering. Another favorite fact of Road King lovers is the fact of it being smaller and slimmer than an actual car, so parking is never a problem for the police officer riding it. Most of the times you will find two Road Kings side by side in one parking space, but there is one other feature that far exceeds all others. The police version of the Road King comes fully bullet proof so it can easily be used as a shield in a shootout, many police officers have been saved from imamate death in a shootout because of this feature. The Road King shouldn't be taken lightly when confronted... It is a very capable motorcycle with features common police cars do not even have.


DNX-VIII Retroflex

The Retroflex is a prototype revolver with the ammo cylinder located at the far back end, this design was planned to give the gun more stability and less recoil. With a longer body and straight line from the moment the bullet leaves the cylinder, this feature makes for a more smooth and sable escape making the Retroflex easily manageable when firing. Capable of holding up to 8 rounds in the cylinder, the firing rate of the weapon is only held back by the one using it. The Retroflex is also surprisingly lightweight for a magnum category weapon, its only downside could be its much larger body frame. But even with a larger body frame, it can still hold its own and packs a high impacting punch on any target it comes across. The Retroflex was abandon by the police department for being too large, but some enthusiastic members of the force came to love the idea of the gun, getting together to develop the first ever prototypes. To this day it is still not known exactly who were the members who developed the gun, so finding one can be pretty difficult.... But for the lucky ones who did manage to get their hands on one, they consider it a great new breed in revolver technology.


Next Generation Submachinegun

The Next Generation Submachinegun (NGSMG for short) is a small lightweight submachine which was built with speed, power and impact in mind, very few submachineguns of the same type can hold its own against the NGSMG. The magazine clip for the NGSMG is typically 40 rounds, but there are also 50 and 60 round extended clip magazines which can be found around. It fires at a blistering 1,100 rounds per minute and is only limited by how fast the user can reload, the magazines are filled with 9mm bullets which are small and easy to carry when more ammo is needed. Even though the NGSMG was not exactly designed for heavy targets, it can still fair well against just about anything else. It is idea for storing in small compartments or cases and is resistant to water so getting submerged is not a problem, the NGSMG can fire, be reloaded and keep firing while underwater and not miss a round. It is highly suitable for all kinds of offensive or defensive situations, able to keep the pressure on threats or hold the line in a gun fight. There are not many light submachineguns out there quite like the NGSMG, on top of that not many even know about it... And those that do almost always come to learn about it far too late.


Metro City

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