Kodoshi Succubus Demon
Naanay is a demon which is a rare succubus breed, she is a different type of demon to which uses sexual intercourse in a different way than most succubus do. She is one of very few Kodoshi Demons who physically wonders the world, and are rarely seen and even more rarely known. Kodoshi demons are a different breed from the regular succubus known throughout history, even though they do use traditional sexual intercourse they do use it in a way which is totally different from other demons of the same type as her. Kodoshi demons may target male or female victims and instead of draining their life source which ultimately kills them, they use one or multiple victims as storage banks to hold the life source they have taken. The victim who has sexual intercourse with a Kodoshi gain the Suckulate curse, this curse turns the victim into a storing bank for the Kodoshi demon they had intercourse with. Any other victim the main victim has sexual intercourse with drain that victim's life source through the means of sexual pleasure, after the sexual session that life source drained is stored within the main victim being the Kodoshi demon's carrier. However, the ejaculation or orgasm of the main victim into the new victim can turn that new victim into another storage bank for the Kodoshi demon, rapidly multiplying the number of victims that Kodoshi demon has. The drain of the life source of the victim isn't noticed since the side effects is the same as if the person just had sex, weakening and out of energy is the feeling the victim being drained gets which is normal after sexual intercourse. Because this feeling is normal when having sex and after having it, it does not become more potent or to the point of gaining dangerous health conditions. The carrier(s) through full physical sex with their Kodoshi demon transfer the life source they have stored into the Kodoshi via their ejaculations or orgasm, as a result this as well strengthen the link between them making the victim want to serve their Kodoshi more. Kodoshis can be male or female genders and can victimize virtually anything that can mate, being animals, insects and birds.... But like all succubus, their main favorite and easiest targets are humans. Other demons, monsters, creatures and even angels can also fall victim to Kodoshi demons, however due to the nature of the Kodoshi demons they are not hunted down. Since their way of receiving the life source does not fall in violence or killing victims, most people have considered becoming a Kodoshi victim a blessing.

Naanay is the blood sister of Naamah who like her is also a Kodoshi demon, she is older than her sister by two years and has exceptionally strong seducing abilities. Naanay is less heartless than her sister and sees things in a more positive fashion, when all is doomed she will also see the positive side of things even when there isn't one. She is considered more attractive than her sister on the facial aspect, and is well known to be able to seduce anything very easily and almost with no effort at all. Naanay is extremely attractive from head to toe with long hair, very large breast and matching large areolas, her waist is thin and falls back to a big rounded bubble butt. She acts far more sexually provocative than her sister, which in turn has her sexually provoking men and woman alike. Another personal aspect of Naanay is her long smoke pipe, which she highly enjoys smoking and she can make appear or disappear as she sees fit. It isn't known exactly why she enjoys smoking the smoke pipe she has, but rumors go around stating it sucks in very small surrounding life source particles that linger in the air which she inhales into her body. She is a fierce fighter and battles with a massive scythe able to drain the life source out of the victim it comes in contact with, she is a dominate weapon expert as well as fancying almost every martial arts known. She can also toss her scythe like a boomerage and have it return to her, in addition there is nothing the blade of her scythe can not slice or cut through.

Powers & Abilities
Aside from giving her victims the Suckulette curse, Naanay has a full demon form. It consist of her having fully red skin with dark areolas, her hair as well turn from grey as they are to dark raven black. Her eyes become red and she grows bat-like demon wings on her back which she can fly with, but unlike most demons known she does not have a demon tail. She can reveal one, but she tends to keep it hidden to look less scarey to victims she decides to seduce, aside from her demon form she can also expand or compress her body figure. This means she can make herself have much larger or smaller breast, wider or thinner hips, more or less waist or a large or small butt. She can tap into other beings natural sexual selection and change the overall mass and density of her body, in turn this grants her the ability to match the kind of body type that beings crave most when it comes to sexual intercourse. Kodoshi demons can not be hypnotized or controlled in anyway or form, they are natural controllers and so effects on them is pretty much worthless. Her only weakness is not having sex for a long time, like a human who needs food to survive she needs sex to survive herself. Even though she can taste foods and drinks, she can eat them but eating the food or drinking beverages do not effect her weight or body form. She doesn't benefit anything from eating food and just eats and takes in drinks to give the illusion she is fully human despite being able to taste everything, in truth it is all just an act to hide the fact she is far from it.

Naanay was born a full demon and over time mastered the ability to turn herself into a more human-like figure, mainly when it comes to the color of her skin. She is always on the look out for victims to become her personal storage banks to make her life source gathering much easier, she mainly likes to target older men since in her opinion they are the easiest to seduce. Unlike her sister, Naanay enjoys having a large number of storage banks and most of the times prefers them living close to her location. Naanay wonders the world mostly to learn cultures and how other races and living beings spend their time, she is more open-minded and friendlier than her sister. She seduces people not only through sexually provocative acts or outfits, but also through complimenting remarks, jokes, singing and lovingly interactions as in hugs, cuddles and so on. Nannay came across the master strategist Rozahie and easily seduced him, being the master of female ninjas he trained he was the perfect candidate to become her main storage bank. With so many females around and with him having the Suckulette curse, her plans of gaining maximum life source can now begin to fruition.

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