6, Jun 2022 11:25 PM
10, Oct 2021 03:23 AM
10, Oct 2024 10:41 PM
9, Sep 2024 03:07 PM

Odanie Saki

Bio information of Odanie Saki.

Posted  271 Views updated 7 months ago


Odanie is a country girl at heart who prefers the far open space of the countryside, she rarely visits the city and doesn't like loud and messy places. She is calm and collective when it comes to life and it is very hard for her to say no when asked to do things, however this way of being she has attracts a lot of attention to her aside from the fact of having a very lustful physical appearance. She enjoys horse back riding and taming horses but doesn't enjoy the more "famer girl" part of the countryside, this includes milking cattle, rounding up sheep, grabbing layed chicken eggs and so on. She has a very soft and pleasant personality which quickly makes people around her more relaxed and more opened, a lot of people become quickly attached to her to the point of wanting to always be around her. One thing is always for sure and that is it doesn't matter where Odanie is standing.... Everyone around her will always have a smile on their face.


Motel Business Owner

A large motel in the city area is owned by Odanie and her sister Ryolee which were originally owned by their parents, they were given the motel in the city while their parents took care of a larger motel off in the countryside of the city.



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Electrogen Gen-1

In effort of helping global warming and the ecosystem, the Gen-1 is the main and only transport used by everyone in the small village which Ordanie lives. This model is equiped with heavily modified solar panels on the roof and a stylish square appearance, making a very small car which takes very little space. Its wheels are large to make it capable of off roading and comfortable on city streets, while at the same time equiped with dual motors at the front and rear giving it four wheel drive. Well lifted from the ground makes this little compact prototype great for just about anything in more.... But like all good things, the only realserious draw back this transport has is very limited cargo space.


Pistol SMG

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