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2, Feb 2024 04:32 PM

Ribbons The Clown

Bio information of Ribbons the clown.

Posted  726 Views updated 2 years ago


Ribbons works full time as a clown in kids birthday parties, events, charities and more. She would offer her services anywhere that would pay her bills, doesn't matter how far or near she is always willing to work. A highly upbeat and very positive along with happy person, Ribbons can never find the negative in any situation. She is also a pretty big air head who is easily amused and confused, to her everyone is a good person and she does not see the evil in people. This in turn has people easily take advantage of her, but luckily she has an assistant who is always protecting her. Ribbons tries to always be brave but sometimes ends up fleeing for her life, however the only one person she would never flee from a situation with her assistant if she was to be in trouble. Nonetheless Ribbons loves humor and is always in a happy spiritual mood, it is really hard to jerk her out of that mood but when done you better be running the opposite way. Once triggered Ribbons can be highly destructive, losing control and not realizing what she just did until it is too late, this is why it is always best to keep her on her happy clown side. Her personal dream is to become a superhero, to be looked upon as someone who saves the day every day. This also includes her dreams of becoming a vigilante and stop crimes before it happens, there is nothing more satisfying to her than the feeling of saving someone from danger. Ribbons is also very persistent and will continue on with something until it is hers or her way, thankfully it is not to the point of her becoming annoying. When it comes to every party in town, the biggest parties.... Will always have Ribbons as the comedy relief!


Party Clown

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Bump Mobile

Even though it looks like a bumper car, the vehicle was designed and built by Ribbons the clown as her main form of transportation. She named the vehicle the "Bump Mobile" herself and despite its looks, it is really a small hovercraft capable of going over land and sea. Powered by a four cylinder engine with a turbo, the tiny but highly agile Bump Mobile is capable of impressive speeds. Its small compact size makes it pretty weightless so it is able to gain good top end speed when needed, its maximum speed on ground is 135 miles per hour while over sea depending on the waves condition it can gain 125 miles per hour. It is highly responsive while very economical when it comes to fuel range and the maintenance of the vehicle is almost inexpensive, making it a great every day vehicle to use for either short or long distances. It isn't clear exactly what kind of engine it uses, but some believe it is a Honda Civic four cylinder V-Tech engine from the 90s Type-R era. This version Ribbons personalized it herself in a custom red paint, she loves the vehicle and would never trade it in for anything else in the world. The fact of the matter is it may look like a funny little bumper car, but with the ability of going over land and sea, this little guy can get you where you want to be.... And escapes are effortless!


Chiappa Rhino 60DS 4-Inch (Ms. Lefty)

Ribbons calls her left hand sidearm "Mrs. Lefty", and claims it is married to her 6'' version right hand gun she named Mr. Righty. The gun is a Rhino revolver which design features a lower bore axis compared to other revolvers, this means the barrel is directly in line with the shooters hand, wrist and arm. This results in almost no muzzle rise and because energy is better absorbed and controlled by the entire arm, it reduces the amount of recoil felt by the shooter. In addition, the alignment also gives the shooter a more natural point of aim. The Rhino can carry up to six rounds at a time and also has a very fast trigger release system not common in revolvers, with speed loaders it can be a great defensive weapon in a heavy firefight. The Rhino is the most innovative development in revolver technology in decades, if not since the creation of the revolver itself. Refusing to be constrained by tradition and previous design limitations, the Rhino has improvements that move the revolver forward. With unconventional appearance and superior by performance, the Rhino fires from the bottom of the cylinder rather than the top. This dramatically reduces muzzle rise and recoil felt by lowering the axis of the bore almost to the palm of the shooter's hand. An aluminum alloy frame and barrel shroud make the Rhino lightweight and easy to carry around, accessory rails on the bottom of the barrel shroud on the 4”, 5” and 6” barrel models easily allow mounting lights or lasers. The snag resistant “hammer” is actually a cocking device because of the Rhino’s innovative completely enclosed firing mechanism which can be fired either single or double action, the cocked indicator is clearly visible to indicate the internal hammer status. Another innovation is the hexagonal cylinder which keeps the revolver’s width to a minimum. Available in  black or stainless finishes, all Rhino revolvers feature an easy to see fiber optic front sight.


Chiappa Rhino 60DS 6-Inch (Mr. Righty)

Ribbons calls her right hand sidearm "Mr. Righty", and claims it is married to her 4'' version left hand gun she named Mrs. Lefty. The gun is a Rhino revolver which design features a lower bore axis compared to other revolvers, this means the barrel is directly in line with the shooters hand, wrist and arm. This results in almost no muzzle rise and because energy is better absorbed and controlled by the entire arm, it reduces the amount of recoil felt by the shooter. In addition, the alignment also gives the shooter a more natural point of aim. The Rhino can carry up to six rounds at a time and also has a very fast trigger release system not common in revolvers, with speed loaders it can be a great defensive weapon in a heavy firefight. The Rhino is the most innovative development in revolver technology in decades, if not since the creation of the revolver itself. Refusing to be constrained by tradition and previous design limitations, the Rhino has improvements that move the revolver forward. With unconventional appearance and superior by performance, the Rhino fires from the bottom of the cylinder rather than the top. This dramatically reduces muzzle rise and recoil felt by lowering the axis of the bore almost to the palm of the shooter's hand. An aluminum alloy frame and barrel shroud make the Rhino lightweight and easy to carry around, accessory rails on the bottom of the barrel shroud on the 4”, 5” and 6” barrel models easily allow mounting lights or lasers. The snag resistant “hammer” is actually a cocking device because of the Rhino’s innovative completely enclosed firing mechanism which can be fired either single or double action, the cocked indicator is clearly visible to indicate the internal hammer status. Another innovation is the hexagonal cylinder which keeps the revolver’s width to a minimum. Available in  black or stainless finishes, all Rhino revolvers feature an easy to see fiber optic front sight.


Good Night

Although the Good Night bat looks like any other bat, it is crafted and made out of the strongest tree wood found. This one in particular was owned by a famous female crminal, and was custom designed and painted by that legendary figure. It is not known how Ribbons got a hold of the original bat, but one thing for sure is..... She has it and is willing to use it if one gets too close!


Metro City

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