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Saleea Saleen

Bio information of Saleea Saleen.

Posted  976 Views updated 1 month ago


Saleea comes from a long line of race car drivers who have been in more races and championships than anyone known, at the age of six she was already driving manual cars on her dad's lap while at the age of eight drifting cars. Her obsession with vehicles takes her far and wide to any and all types, from standard vehicles to SUVs, pick ups or semis, Saleea can bring the maximum performance of anything she comes in contact with. She loves living on the edge with everywhere she goes trying to get there in record time, she doesn't hold back even if it is to the corner store. However there are times she just wants to take a nice slow calm cruise about the city, while not minding the time of day or the weather. Storms, hurricanes, tornados or any other natural disasters doesn't stop her from having her daily driving thrill, her passion is driving and nothing gets in her way when it comes to that. Traffic never faze her either since traffic to her is just a game of puzzles, to her it is just trying to figure out the fastest route around everyone else. 


The Most Wanted

In certain corners of Metro City lies crews which battle it out on the streets with tricked out powerful cars for dominance, respect, cash and pink slips. Within that world of illegal street racing there's a Blacklist where only the top 20 best racers can be found, running from the police, avoiding getting arrested and most importantly - winning races is the way you climb the list to the Most Wanted. After many years of racing against countless crews and winning, Saleea finally gained the number one spot in the Blacklist and became the Most Wanted of Metro City. The higher you are in the list the higher the respect gain, which brings much higher bets to your favor. As number one everyone is determined to take you on just to enduge in the heavy winnings that come with it.... But the consequences of being high on the list also means the police wants to take you down with just the same determination as well!



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FN 502 Tactical .22 LR

The FN 502 is a tactical handgun which was bought by Saleea from Raimei Yonke some years ago, she has had the gun with her ever since and takes it with her almost everywhere she goes. The pistol has an extended clip capable of holding up to 30 rounds and has semi-auto and full automatic firing capabilities, despite its size it is lightweight, easy to manage and carry. The 502 also is fitted with a lower rail under the barrel, this extends its use to attach laser sight, flashlight or any other modifications to get the job done.



Saleea doesn't leave anything to chance, for this reason she keeps in the trunk of her car a huge minigun. Able to be carried by a single person with a bullets-in-barrel feeding system, nothing puts more fear in someone than being on the receiving end of the minigun. Capable of firing up to 1000 rounds per barrel load, the minigun is no joke and a weapon that should be avoided at all cost when it is spitting bullets. Nothing is safe when this beast is unleashed, cars, trucks, buildings and everything in between goes up in flames, but if the target is flesh and bones... It can be ripped apart by the sheer speed and power of Saleea's minigun!


Metro City

Metro City is the main metropolitan area which connects to many other interesting parts such as the country side, a large private beach resort, a wide spread out exotic jungle and off the coast a private university on an island. It is the main place to go for following a career, upholding the law, illegal street racing, start a business or begin a new life. The city has it all, from police to mafias, gang members to illegal street racers and secret organizations to black market areas. If you do not find it in Metro City than you won't find what you are looking for anywhere, but one has to keep in mind just how competitive things are. Everyone here is looking for something and most will stop at nothing to get it - be safe, trust no one, stay away from trouble and try to live a life the best you can... For one day you are here, and the next day you might be gone!

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