Mist and Bliss

- Bliss
At last....
You truely thought you would be safe you runaway shinobi?
- Mist
What are you doing here?!
- Bliss
I was assigned to bring you back so you can have a real warriors death...
If refused I was ordered to kill you on the stop!
- Mist
I will not go back to killing the innocent...
I am through with that life and have been accepted in a whole new clan, I will start a new life - a new better life!
- Bliss
This will not be taken lightly girl, no one betrays the Ninjosen!..
Prepare yourself young shinobi...
Your betral to the clan will be paid with your blood!
- Mist
It will not be as easy as you think!
After running away from her clan of assassins, Mist found a new home in the Dragon Clan after being accepted by Master Rozahie. Days and weeks passed as her mind started to become at ease thinking she finally has escaped the brutal lifestyle of her old clan members, but little did Mist know that someone was sent out to find her and bring her back dead or alive. Using her keen tracking abilities along with her resourcefulness in the wild, the assassin clan elite ninja Bliss eventually got on her trail... As the day for their face off finally arrived!
Ninjosen Clan: Bliss

Dragon Clan: Mist

Character Bios

Showcase Set

Nude Showcase