First & Second Issue: Featuring Brendy and Declare!
The rivalry between two cheerleading squads kick off the Rival School series, consisting of a number of cheerleaders with multiple intentions and personal agendas. Many of the cheerleaders want to be the best, some others to prove their worth, while a few just want to show off. But when it comes to the first and second issues with Brendy and Declare, we have a personal grudge from day one. Declare is always first place until she met Brendy, a determined girl who claims anything anyone can do she can do better. Now with Brendy around Declare will have to push herself to the limits like never before, all to prove she is and will always be the most popular. With Brendy not backing down from a challenge, Delcare will be giving out maximum effort to show no one can keep up with her. The two squad leaders go all out against one other to prove they have no rival and no one can compare to them, in the end there can only be one number one!

Third & Forth Issue: Featuring Laleeah and Rosell!
Third and forth issue of Rival Schools follows the competitive life style of Laleeah and Rosell, two girls who never takes no for an answer. Competing in almost everything they do from studies, tests, art and even fashion, there is nothing these two girls won't go head-to-head on. Since the day they both met it has been nothing but comparing each others and one out doing the other, they compete on everything from taste, wit, strength, endurance and stamina to the point of even their sex lives. But the fact of the matter is that they both have a very deep hidden secret, they both love each other but none wish to give in and admit it. While both look like they are in a state of hate for each other, they are both actually admiring the dedication and work output to surpass the other one. While friends see Laleeah and Rosell as rivals, in truth their desire is to become full time lovers and a couple!

Fifth & Sixth Issue: Featuring Edelyn and Nanie!
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Seventh & Eighth Issue: Featuring Kimsy and Romary!
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