A Tengu in Japanese folklore is a type of mischievous supernatural being, sometimes considered the reincarnated spirit of one who was proud and arrogant in life. Tengus are renowned swordsmen and are said to have taught the military arts to a select few. They live in trees in mountain area as well as in shines worshippers built for them, despite having wings which lets them fly most Tengu prefer to glide through the air when needed. Tenguly is by far the rarest Tengu known as she is one of the very few female of her kind, she holds the ability to change her skin color and tone and also shrink her naturally long nose to fit in with humans.

Tenguly is a very curious being who is highly into learning about other entities and beings, however she is also pretty mischief and playful and many times acts like a child. The fact she really never had much contact with humans or similar gives her poor social skills, at the same time the fact she is very young and Tengus are very few she hasn't been given much wisdom from elder Tengus of her kind. For this reason she tries to learn as much as she can from everyone she sees, to the point of even stalking them without them ever knowing. Once she has a stalking target she would address her skin color and tone to fit that of the being she is stalking, after which she will act in an innocently manner to get close to them. From there she would learn about them, their race, their culture and whereabouts. While everyone is out for an adventure... Tenguly's adventure is everyone else and their personal life!

Powers & Abilities
The Tengu have supernatural abilities and are very powerful beings, they can fly, have super strength, great martial arts skills, and have magical abilities which include controlling the wind, shapeshifting, possession, and speaking without moving their mouth.

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Cursed Katana
It is unclear where this katana came from or if Tenguly found it at some alter or ruin, what is clear is no matter how much it is cleaned or dipped in cleaning solutions - it keeps its rusted worn out appearance. This also includes the sleeve which house the katana itself, another aspect of the katana is the fact it supports Tengulys elemental abilities. The cursed katana also has the ability to float in mid air without the use of any kind of telepathic ability, it almost seems as if the sword is possessed by a being of unknown origins. Regardless the katanas true purpose or intentions, it seems to really enjoy the precense and companionship of Tenguly... Sometimes the best friendships are the ones that are not questioned!

Tengu Alter
Built in an unknown era, this alter is one of the few which still stands worshipping that of the Tenguly race. Hidden deep in the darkest part of the jungle lies a shimmering place that is holy to the Tengu and highly guarded. However the only one who has came to find and know of this alter is Tenguly, and so in hopes of her finding more like her she guards the alter with her life. Her tactic is mainly intercepting possible intruders a distance from the alter to make sure it is not found, through disguise and seduction she lures them alway from the alter to which she learns their intentions in order to consider them friend or foe.